Learn the principles, philosophy, and practices of the Djedi. Here you will go deep into understanding what it means to be a mover of the Life Force. These lecture style tutorials will share everything from eastern philosophy, ancient wisdom, history of the Djedi, and why we use this term. A big part of this training is also sharing tools and practices to help you harness the Life Force through your dance. Energy cultivation practices include Qi-gong, Tai-chi, Breathwork, Meditation, and various health practices that are almost all drawn from the vast realm of Daoist Internal Arts.
Course curriculum
The Djedi Codes
The Path of Dance Mastery
Enter the Djedi
Ressurecting the Djed
Movement Djedi's of the Past
Daoist Internal Arts
The Life Force Energy
Energy Ball Exercise
Dance Djedi Principles
The Ultimate Energy Dance Style
The Three Treasures
Your Dance Avatar
Training Tips
Energy Ball Exercise 2