Course curriculum

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    Instructions for this course

    • 1. Fundamentals I Presentation

    • 2. Introduction to the Principle of Yin & Yang

    • 3. The Groove: Introduction and Beginners Exercise

    • 4. Intermediate Groove Dance Warm Up

    • 5. The Move: Introduction & Beginners Exercise (The Dimestop)

Watch Intro Video

Tutorial Descriptions:

  • 1. Fundamentals I Presentation: Dance Djedi Welcome, Djedi Meditation, What is a Dance Djedi? Djedi Principles & Philosophy, Introduction to the Dance of Yin & Yang, The Groove & The Move, How to start accessing both these aspects of Dance.

  • 2. Introduction to the principle of Yin & Yang: This is a condensed tutorial going over the basic descriptions of Yin & Yang and how they manifest in dance. Here is demonstrated how this also manifests specifically within the urban street dance styles.

  • 3. The Groove Introduction: Here we enter the Yin aspect of dance, the groove. This tutorial provides tips and tricks on how to access your groove, activating the feminine aspect within your dance practice. Learn a few basic grooving exercises to get you started on finding your own groove.

  • 4. Intermediate Groove Warm Up: This is meant to be a follow along video to help you warm up, while also simultaneously going through some of the grooves commonly done within the urban dance styles. It is pretty fast paced and requires a decent ability to copy movement, so be ready!

  • 5. The Move Introduction: Here we delve into the yang aspect of dance, the Move. Learn how to tap into the Masculine approach to dance. Your first technique is the Dimestop: the ability to stop in mid air. Learn techniques on how to develop muscle control and technique.