
Jump into the dance dojo with me every week (Thursdays 6pm - 7pm Pacific) on Zoom and IG Live. Every week I will be teaching Pop'lock Street dance styles which include Popping, Waving, Tutting, Robot, Animation, Footwork, and more!

Classes will consist of:

1. Warm ups and Drills to sharpen and refine your craft.

2. A Choreography segment that will focus on a new theme every week.

3. A Freestyle training segment to incorporate the choreo concepts into your own dance.

These weekly classes will be lighthearted and fun! They are a great entry point to start training with me and get a taste of my teaching style. The difficulty will be mostly intermediate level to give a decent challenge.

How to Join the Class

3 Ways to join


w/ a 3 day trial

Classes will be streamed LIVE on Instagram via @adrianlobo.333 The livestream will be stopped halfway through the class and will only feature a portion of the choreography segment. By registering for free below you will receive access to the monthly classes for a 3 day trial period to give you a taste of the full classes. Be sure to save the date and time on the IG livestream to catch the class preview!
Register Now

1 time Drop In

($8) w/ a 7 day free trial

You can officially join the class by paying $8 to enjoy the full class experience. You will be given a zoom link where you will be in the dance class digital dojo room. Here you can receive personal feedback during the class, ask questions, and interact with the community. You will be given access to stream the monthly classes for a 7 day trial period. Be sure to register the day BEFORE the class so that you can maximize your streaming access.
Register Now

Best Option

Monthly Subscription ($25/month)

Subscribe monthly to receive 4 classes per month and also access to my online dance school which has 100+ dance tutorials and courses on fundamentals, technique, advanced training, and much more. You will also keep all past and future class recordings for an unlimited time. It is $25/month to join.
Join Now

The Academy

Learn more about what the monthly subscription includes. Not only will you have access to 4 weekly classes per month but also gain access to the entire Dance Djedi Academy!