Tier I

Basic Level Immersion

The first level of Membership includes all online Courses, access to the private group forum, discounts, and future Monthly Livestreams. This is great for those who are just getting into this path and exploring -- or to the person who is highly self-disciplined and can guide themselves.
Join Tier I / $25 per month

Tier II

Mid-level Immersion

The Tier II membership includes everything from Tier I in addition to a 1on1 Session with Adrian Lobo every month. The training material is vast, deep, and extensive and can sometimes be overwhelming. This tier is great for one who has started to explore the material, but whom is ready for extra personal guidance. 1on1 Sessions can be great to help you break through obstacles, give you a structured training regimen, and guidance on what to develop next.
Join Tier II / $49 per month

Tier III

High-level Immersion

This tier includes everything from Tier I in addition to the 1on1 Djedi Mentorship Program ( 3 x per month). This is a deep intensive 1on1 training program that is personalized to your specific needs & goals. This is great for the hungry novice who is ready to accelerate their growth at the fastest pace. This can also be good for the more advanced Dancer, or seasoned Pro, who needs a more specific program for advanced tinkering. This level of immersion requires one who is highly dedicated, disciplined, and passionate about this Path.
Join Tier III / $199 per month