Unlock the power of the Elements
You are invited to enter a 3 month online journey into learning how to wield the 5 Elements in your Dance (Starting Thursday July 23rd) . This is going to take you through a deep dive movement immersion that will give you the tools, knowledge, and guidance to help you become the most versatile & powerful dancer you can be.
- Learn how the power of wind, water, fire, earth, and lightning can inspire new movement & enhance your dance expression.
- See how your journey through exercising these elements can help you develop yourself, refine your craft, and advance your skill no matter what dance style you practice.
- Reinvigorate your Dance practice by having a weekly class & training regimen, along with a community to help keep you accountable.
- Obtain the foundations of the 5 Elemental Styles (Waving, Tutting, Popping, Footwork, and Animation) to expand your movement vocabulary and infinite new ways to move energy through your dance.
- Receive direct feedback on your dance videos to help you advance and quickly overcome obstacles
About the Training
And why the 5 Elements?
The 5 elements are an ancient teaching that have been passed down through the ages since our oldest shamanic origins. They have taken on multiple interpretations but the principle is all the same: that there are fundamental elemental qualities in life that create, sustain, and transform all of life as we know it. The elements have been talked about through the lens of spirituality, religion, even medicine and martial arts….but rarely have they ever been talked about through Dance; especially through the street dance styles of Popping and Animation. This is our focus & approach at the Dance Djedi Academy.
If we learn to channel the 5 elements in our dance then we have the ultimate palette of colors to create with. By harnessing these fundamental forces of creation, our dance then comes into harmony with nature itself. The elements can teach us so much about the nature of energy and how it manifests through life. In our dance practice the elements can help take our craft to the next level and truly awaken our highest movement potential.
The teachings of the Dance Djedi Academy take a unique approach to the Street Dance styles while also honoring the lineages and cultures from which they came. These teachings draw from a variety of sources including ancient medicine, eastern & indigenous spirituality, healing arts, martial arts, and personal insight. The unique fusion of this ancient wisdom applied to the practice of these urban street dance styles has given birth to this Elemental Dancer training program.
Program Features
Here is what will be included in your Training Program!
Weekly live dance classes on Zoom every week, for 12 weeks. Typically 1.5 -2 hours per class. Recordings of classes will be provided.
Each class contains guided warm up, drills to enhance technique, introduction of new movement vocabulary, and dance choreography ranging from beginner to advanced level.
Bonus Dance Tutorials to help further advance your growth and movement skills
Educational videos providing information on street dance culture, history of movement themes, philosophy, mindset practices, and bonus knowledge.
Weekly challenges and suggested training tips to help you learn and embody the teachings as efficient as possible.
A Private Community page where we can discuss, share, and collaborate with our fellow Dance Djedi tribe!
Course curriculum
This will give you a gist of what kind of topics we'll be covering. This is the main chunk of educational videos and tutorials that will be provided to you every week. There will be new content added as we move forward, such as Live Recordings, and bonus material.
Pre-Order Bonus: Warmup Dance Training
Tutorial: Calling in a Higher Power
Djedi Flow #1
Meditative Movement Warmup: Taiji Qigong
Week 1: Introduction
Elemental Dancer Presentation
Week 1 Choreography Part 1
Week 1 Choreography Part 2
Week 2: Wind Element I
LIVE Week 2 Class: Wind Meditation and Presentation
LIVE Week 2 Class: Dance Warm up
LIVE Week 2 Class: Tutting Combo 1
LIVE Week 2 Class: Tutting Combo 2
Section 2: Dance Theory of Wind Element
Wind Element Meditation
Wind Element Qualities
Wind Archetypal Style: Tutting
Tutting Origins & History
Egyptian Postures of Power
Modern Development of Tutting
Tutting OG's: King Boogaloo Tut
Tutting Og's: Mr. Re
Tutting Og's: Mr. Wiggles
Tutting as the Wind
Sacred Geometry
Dancing with Sacred Geometry
Week 3: Wind Element II
Week 3 Livestream Full Class
Week 3 Class: Breathwork Activation
Week 3 Class: Grooving and Tutting Warm up
Week 3 Class: Wind Movements
Week 3 Class: Soft Wind
Week 3: Power Wind
Week 3: Balanced Wind
Wind Bending Activation Meditation
Wind Philosophy - Western Occultism
Lie Tzu: The Wind Riding Sage
Daoist Wind Wisdom
Zaheer the Legendary Air Bender
Dancing with the Wind
Wind Bending
Bagua Zhang - The Wind Martial Art
Hand Seals, Mudras, and Fingertutting I
Hand Seals, Mudras, and Fingertutting II
Tutting Innovators: Tetris
Tutting Innovators: Pandora
Tutting Innovators: Future
FingerTutting Innovators: FingerCircus Crew
Week 3: Tutting Freestyle Training
Week 4: Fire Element I
Week 4: Opening Fire Meditation
Week 4: Fire Presentation
Week 4: Fire Groove Warm Up
Week 4 Fire Movements
Week 4 Yin Fire Freestyle
Week 4 Yang Fire Freestyle
Week 4 Balanced Fire
Fire Element Correspondences
The Popping Dance Style
Popping as The Fire
What is Popping? The Great Debate
Popping History & Origins
Hitting Technique and its Ancients Connections
Shaolin Gong Fu: The Fire Martial Art
Popping Og's: Pop Tart
Popping Og's: Boogaloo Sam
Popping Og's: Jeckle
Week 5: Fire Element II
Week 5: Introduction to Popping
Week 5: Popping Warm Up
Week 5: Popping Vocabulary
Week 5: Popping Choreography
Bonus: Hitting Tutorial
Fire Philosophy: Shamanic Origins
Djedi Fire Meditation
Zoroastrian Fire Temples
Fire Pujas of the East
Wrathful Deities - Destroyers of Illusion
Wisdom of the Sith: Turning Anger into Power
Dancing with Fire
Fire Bending
Path of the Sacred Warrior
Enter the Boogaloo Style
Popping Innovators: Jrock
Popping Innovators: Kite
Popping Innovators: Jaygee
Popping Innovators: Future & Rashaad
Week 5.5 (Break)
Community Check in and Q&A
Week 6: Water Element I
Week 6 Announcements And Meditation
Week 6 Water Presentation
Week 6 Water Groove Warm up
Week 6 Water Movements
Week 6 Water Freestyle Training
(Bonus) Waving Foundations: The Arm Wave
(Bonus) Waving Foundations: The Body Wave
(Bonus) Waving Foundations: The Trace Wave
(Bonus) Waving Foundations: Combination
Enter the Water Element
The Waving Dance Style
Waving Style History & Origins
Modern Waving Development
Waving as Water
Water Element Correspondences
Waving Og's: WaveOMatic
Waving Og's: Stokes
Waving Og's: Pop'N'Taco
Week 7: Water Element II
Week 7: Water Prayer Opening
Week 7: Water Grooving and Waving Warm Up
Week 7: Waving Drills
Week 7: Waving Combination
The Daoist Way of Water
Dancing the Water
Water Bending
The 3 Waving Lineages
Waving Innovator: Frantick
Waving Innovator: Jsmooth
Waving Innovator: Elsewhere
Taiji Master: Sujin Chen
The Snaking Style
Liquid Hands: Digitz
Week 7 Livestream Replay ( 9-10-20)
Week 8: Earth Element I
Livestream Week 8 Earth Element Training
Earth Element Meditation
Earth Element Correspondences
Footwork and Floorwork Styles
Footwork in Popping Dance
Foot/Floor work as Earth
Shoes vs. Barefoot in Dance
Footwork Og's: Tiev
Footwork Og's: Mori 516
Week 9: Earth Element II
The Heavens and the Earth
The Body as Microcosm
Absorbing Earth Energy
Earth's Energy Grids
Power Spots & Vortex's
Dancing the Earth Element
Earth Bending
Tribal Shamanic Dances
Footwork Innovators: Greenteck
Footwork Innovators: Jordan
Footwork Innovators: NonStop
Livetstream Earth Part 2 Training
Week 10: Metal-Lightning I
Livestream Week 10 Class
Lightning Metal Meditation
Lightning Metal Correspondences
Enter the Robot Style
Modern Development of the Robot Style
The Djedi & Technology
The Animation Dance Style
Miming Fundamentals
Sound in Movement
Robot Og's: Robert Shields
Robot Og's: Bop'N'Andre
Robot Og's: Flattop
Week 11: Metal-Lightning II
Livestream Week 11 Class
Lightning Metal Activation & Toning
Lightning Symbolism & Mythos
Touched by the Gods
The Magnetic Body
The Electric Body
You are Supernatural
The Pineal Gland
Dancing the Lightning and Metal
Lightning and Metal Bending
Robot Pioneers: Madd Chadd
Robot Pioneers: Salah
Robot Pioneers: Umin
The Vibration Technique
Time Space Jutsu: Speed Changes
Week 12: 5 Element Conclusion
Week 12 Livestream Class
To join this training you can choose to do a 1 time payment or break it up into monthly payments. This is currently the Early Bird Special! Prices will go up as the launch date draws nearer. $197 (Starting July 23rd)
3 x $55.00
Payment Plan
One time Payment (Save $18)
Bonus Course!
In addition to the 3 month training, you will also get access to the Dance Shaman/Healer mini-course!
Your Instructor
Founder of the Dance Djedi Academy
Adrian Lobo
David Elsewhere
Richard H
Leeron Liftik
How long will I have access to the training?
After enrolling, you will be able to have lifetime access to your training content.
How Do I access the Livestream Classes?
Livestream classes will be hosted on Zoom. Information on how to join will be included in your course material.
What if I miss the livestream class?
No worries, there will be a replay available the next day that will be uploaded to your course material. You are welcome to review and access the classes at your own time & pace!